Monday, July 11, 2011

The Description of Mango Tree

Mango Tree
Mangoes Nutrition-Robust mango wood reaches a height of 40 m or more, although many mangoes pets only about 10 m or less. Mango Tree upright stems branched quite strong, with dense foliage forms a beautiful dome-shaped, oval or oblong, with a diameter of up to 10 m thick and rough use, with many small cracks and flaking bark of the trunk. Color pepagan (shell) dun usually old, dark gray to almost black.

Riding planted mango branch, long before he could reach 6 m branch roots grew along the less, most of the branches root at a depth of 30-60 cm.

Single leaf, the role of scattered, came without support. Petiole length varies from 1.25 to 12.5 cm, enlarged on the basis of each plot. General situation of the petiole usually 3 / 8, but closer to the edge, next looked more like a circle (Verde).

Leaves many, but mostly elliptic lanceolate, 20-10 x 80-40 cm, it is tough as leather, shiny dark green leaves with edges finished by sharp waves with a secondary bone leaves 12-30 Several variants of the mango leaf form.:

* Oval and ends like a spear.
     * Oval, pointed like a spear tip.
     * Rectangular, but the end is tapered.
     * Rectangle, rounded edges. 

How to plant mango tree?

Young leaves are usually red, purple or yellow, to be later, the top is light green, light green lower surface. The leaves reach the age of 1 year or more.