Monday, July 11, 2011

Benefit of Mango for Health

Mangoes Nutrition-Everyone should know that fruit. Shape is round, yellow flesh, skin color is usually green, red meat rise also sweet. The fruit is not only adults but also children's interest. Mango (Mangifera indica) is a tropical fruit. While still raw (young), the result is also much sought after for the salad and asked for pregnant women.

Mango is a fruit from India that have many benefits for health .
But now, in different parts of the world, including Indonesia scattered. Mango plants can grow even in a hot air base. But it can also grow well in areas with an altitude of 600 meters above sea level.

Mango has many varieties.
There is no mention there are 2,000 varieties of mangoes in the world. Apart from fresh mango sweet taste turns out, has the properties that are good for health. Since this fruit contains substances that the body needs.


Experts believe that mangoes are a source of carotenoids such as beta is crytoxanthin, Buster carcinogen, which is good. Martin is also rich in vitamins and antioxidants like vitamin E and vitamin C. One mango contains seven grams of fiber, which can help the digestive system. Most of the fibers in water and can maintain normal cholesterol levels remain.

Mango keep certain chemical pharmacological effects (sharp), improved urine pleura, refreshing, appetite, mild laxative, laxative sputum and antioxidants. Gallic acid content of the mango is very good for digestion. While the content riboflavin very good for the eyes, mouth and throat.

Mango also hard to help to cure various diseases such as dermatitis, flu, asthma, vision problems, bleeding gums, sore throat, inflammation of the airways, shortness of breath, and ulcers. It may also be associated with ulcers, scabies, eczema, stomach cramps, diarrhea, motion sickness, worms, loss of appetite, discharge, enstruasi disorders, hernia treat rheumatism.

How to overcome:

To cope with dermatitis, the skin of mangoes. Way is 150 g mango fruit skin prepared with enough water to a boil. Hot conditions, hot water for washing the skin with pain and inflammation. This plant can also be used to treat eczema.

Influenza illness can be overcome with a fruit.
Way, 200 grams of meat plus 10 grams of ginger, mango, and two white leeks. These materials are boiled with 500 cc to 250 cc of water remaining. Who is drinking filtered and fingers warm.

They usually travel sickness can also take advantage of mango to overcome. Way before cooking dried mango with enough water. Once hot, add honey to taste and 10 cc of lime juice and stir until blended. In addition, this plant drunk while warm.

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